Author Guidelines
His Excellency the Minister of Oil has approved issuing the "Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies" to be published by the "Petroleum Research and Development Center" under the supervision of academic professors from Iraqi universities and experts from the petroleum sector.
Writing Guidelines
- Title: should be written clearly in the middle of the page, both in Arabic and English.
- Abstract: Includes the purpose of the paper, method, devices used, and a Summary of results and conclusions, the abstract must be written in Arabic and English languge for Arabian Authors only, should be provided (250 to 300 words).
- The keywords are written under the Abstract (five keywords).
- Introduction: Includes the theoretical survey.
- Experimental Work (Devices and tests): describing devices, used materials, test "if it is a lab test".
- Results and Discussion.
- Technical and Economic Feasibility.
- Conclusions.
- Nomenclature (List of Symbols).
- Acknowledgement.
- References are numbered and mentioned as they are appeared in the text, using parenthesis [1].should be arranged in the following order and according to the method IEEE (Author, title, publisher, city and year), with DOI.
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD. Title of the article. Abbreviated title of the journal. Date of publication YYYY Mon DD; volume number(issue number): page numbers.
Typing Guidelines
- Title: font (pt 14 – Bold, Times New Roman).
- Full name(s), qualification(s), affiliation(s), address(es) and e-mail addresses of all the authors must be arranged just below the title of the manuscript.
- Authors’ Names: pt 11, centered.
- Authors' Addresses: pt 10, the corresponding author should be mentioned (email address and mobile number should be included).
- The manuscript’ main titles (abstract, introduction, material, methods of work, results, and discussion): pt 14, bold, Text font should be (pt 12), tables (pt 12), (type of font: Times New Roman).
- The number of research pages: should be in maximum (15) page.
- Paper margins: 2cm to the top. 2.5 cm to the bottom. 3 cm to the right. (Vice versa for English papers) 1.5 cm to the left. (Vice versa for English papers)
- Tables and shapes are placed in the results in the sequence mentioned, not at the end of the manuscript (Please submit tables as editable text and not as images).
- Numbers and titles of tables: should be written at the top, and for diagrams: at the bottom.
- Equations: of the type a2+b2=c2 can be written as normal text, for all other equations, please use MathType or the Microsoft equation editor.
- Papers submission: should be to the editorial committee in the petroleum Research and development Centre via postal address: Baghdad/ Bub Alsham/Near Alsumood gas station.
- Note: please complete the tables in the (copyright) and (Authors' contributions) forms, which is in the list of submit .
the e-mail addresses: