Study the Effect of The Initial Temperature of Diesel Fuel Upon Engine Performance, By Using CI Engine
Cetane number, Fuel Consumption, Brake specific fuel consumption, Engine speed.Abstract
In my work , I investigates the effect of initial temperature of diesel fuel upon engine performance and emissions by using CI engin , with different diesel fuel cetane number ( 56 , 54 , 53 ) , from the results it showing us that the brake power is increasing with the engine speed and the increasing is (64.66 %) at maximum load with respect with brake power at minimum load ,also measuring the brake torque and it is found from the results the brake torque is increasing with the engine speed at minimum and maximum load and from the results it is found that the brake torque is increasing about (63.902 %) when compare it with brake torque at minimum load ,fuel consumption(kg/hr) is increasing with the engine speed but decreasing when increasing cetane number with the following values (6.631%,7.843%,9.15%) for cetane number ( 53,54,56 ) , and the brake specific fuel consumption also decreasing about (6.065%,6.98%,8.654%) for Cetane number (56,54,53) respectively , the thermal efficiency it is found to be increased with the engine speed and for different fuel cetane number with the following percentage (5.96%,6.837%,8.498%) for Cetane number (53, 54 , 56) respectively, The ( CO2 ) emissions is increased with the engine speed and when the Cetane number increased about (11.35%,9.457%,11.065%) for cetane number (56,54,53) respectively , The (CO) emissions is decreased when the Cetane number increased about (24.165%,20.581%,21.7%) for Cetane number (56,54,53) respectively , The (HC) emissions is decreased by increasing fuel Cetane number about (8.695%,10%,9.586%) for Cetane number (53 , 54 , 56) respectively.
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