Application of Aerosol Nanocatalysis Technology in Methane Steam Reforming


  • Marat Aronovich Glikin East Ukrainian National University Named after Volodymyr Dahl
  • Sergiy Alexandrovich Kudryavtsev East Ukrainian National University Named after Volodymyr Dahl
  • Saif Mohammed A. Mahmmod East Ukrainian National University Named after Volodymyr Dahl



Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) is the main method to obtain synthesis gas in
production of alcohol, ammonia, acids Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and other organic products.
The study has investigated the reaction of SMR and it mechanism, explained the aerosol
nanocatalysis (AnC) vibrated bed as alternative technology instead of using heterogeneous
catalyst in bed. The research has proven that NiO is the best catalyst that could be used in the
reaction of SMR by AnC after investigating catalysts: Fe2O3, K-905D2, GIAP-8, Co2O3 and




How to Cite

Glikin, M. A.; Kudryavtsev, S. A.; Mahmmod, S. M. A. Application of Aerosol Nanocatalysis Technology in Methane Steam Reforming. Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 2017, 7, 77-86.