An Experimental Investigation of Combustion Emissions and Diesel Engine Performance of Water in Diesel Nano Emulsion Fuel
Water in Diesel Nanoemulsions, Diesel Fuel, Engine Performance, Combustion Emissions.Abstract
Water in Diesel Nano-Emulsions (WiDNE) fuel are an important environmental fuels
for decreasing the combustion pollution of diesel engines. WiDNE fuel is a dispersion
stable thermodynamic and kinetic system consisting of diesel oil, surfactant and water
phase. WiDNE fuel due to their nano scale droplet size (20–200 nm) and large surface area
burns more completely and hence a reduction in emissions than straight diesel.
The objective of this project is to evaluate the combustion characteristics of WiDNE fuel
prepared by rotor-stator homogenizer using mixed surfactants based on nonionic
emulsifiers Span™ 80, Tween™ 80. Direct injection (DI), Fiat engine was used and run at
1500 rpm, constant fuel pressure (400 bar) with varying the operation load.
Multi gas analyzer model 4880 was used to measure the concentration of the emission
gases such as NOx, unburned total hydrocarbon HC, CO2 and CO. The AVL-415 meter was
used for smoke emissions. The experimental results of WiDNE imposes the capability to
improve fuel properties, the engine efficiency as well as reduction of gas emissions.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Adel Sharif Hamadi, Hayder Abed Dhahad, Ali Ghufran Khudhur

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