Precautionary Procedures in Basrah Oil Fields Drilling Operations Using Smartphones


  • Ibrahim Abdul-Salam Salih Petroleum Technology Department / University of Technology
  • Mohammed S. Aljawad Petroleum Technology Department / University of Technology
  • Bashar Saadoon Mahdi Computer Sciences Department / University of Technology



الاحتياطات، مشاكل الحفر، الهواتف الذكية.


Basrah oil fields carry multiple drilling problems that are drilled with difficulty, these
problems are often treated incompetently. This inefficiency in the procedures in handling the
problems often results in a long wait around time. This study aims to offer the best
precautionary procedures that can be taken in the form of a smartphone’s application
(Precautions Enhancer) to reach trustworthy precautions anywhere needed on the oil field.

The introduction of smartphones to the drilling engineering in particular and the petroleum
industry in general is a critical and a very useful tool that could be developed to gain accuracy
and speed on field.
The plans of precautions for the expected drilling problems are carried out. The included
formations extend from the upper and lower Faris to Mishrif. The precautions that are set as the
best practice are based on field experience and standardized IWCF methods. The used
programming techniques are: the classify algorithm (forward) technique is used to enhance
Precautions Enhancer’s (PE) abilities to avoid the problems.
An application called Precautions Enhancer (PE) having a friendly user interface that can be used
in the field is built with a full secure database of the fields’ problems and precautions with a
database of the drilling problems in Basra oil fields in PE; all of the drilling problems that could
encountered while drilling with their precautionary procedures are all mounted in the database of




How to Cite

Salih, I. A.-S.; Aljawad, M. S.; Mahdi, B. S. Precautionary Procedures in Basrah Oil Fields Drilling Operations Using Smartphones. Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 2018, 8, 290-305.