Matrix Acidizing Of Yamama Pay Zones


  • Ali M. Al-mashat Prime Minister Office, Advisory Commission
  • Kareem A. Alwan



Yamama formation in southern of Iraq has been studied well, and 25 core samples have been chosen from 7 wells to study their responses to matrix acidizing experiments by different acid solutions. It is found that:
1. Solutions of 5% HCl as preflushes and afterflushes are needed in volume depended on cores porosity.
2. A solution of 15% HCl with its additives [0.6% A-250 and 0.75% of the solution of Iraqi detergent powder] was the suitable solution for the stimulation of these cores.Previous acid treatments were analyzed and the following techniques were suggested to get the best results:
1. Using paccaloni planning- evaluation method to get the best quality control.
2. Placing the acid in front – of the perforation interval.
3. After completion of acid injection, an immediate opening to flow is necessary.
4. Adequate cleaning period would be important after acid job.




How to Cite

Al-mashat, A. M. .; Alwan, K. A. . Matrix Acidizing Of Yamama Pay Zones. Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 2011, 2, 15-34.