Improving the Performance of Split Air Conditioner by Adding Nano Silver to the Compressor Oil
air conditioning, nanoparticles, silver, Nano-oil, thermophysical properties.Abstract
A high demand on the energy and power has brought scholars more attention to investigate new ways to reduce the energy consumption. The aim of this research is reducing the power consumption required for air conditioning to cool the room by adding nanomaterials to the compressor oil at a mass concentration of 0.15%. Two models of chambers with dimensions (2 x 2 x 2) meters were fabricated to represent the test section and connected to a 1ton compressor, one operating with natural oil as a standard basis for comparison, while the other one with Nano-oil prepared in the laboratory. The mass concentrations of 0.15% of silver nanoparticles (Ag) were prepared, and the stability of the nanoparticles was tested by direct observation for different time periods. The results indicated that the performance of the air conditioner was better with the addition of nanoparticles to the compressor oil compared to the pure oil in the compressor. Reducing energy consumption in the cooling system by (19%). Also, it was found that there is an increase in the cooling speed of the nanotechnology system by (6%)as well as in the efficiency of the Nano-oil system compared to the regular system by (13%). This study showed that the thermophysical properties of the cooling oil increased by increasing the weight ratios of solid nanoparticles by (12%).
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