Experimental Investigation of Blending Acetylene with Iraqi LPG to Determine a Flame Stability Map
Acetylene, Flame velocity, LPG Iraqi, Map of stability, Swirl burner.Abstract
The difficult challenges facing the designers and engineers of combustion systems are the flame stability (flame stability map) represented by the limits of flashback and blow-off. In this study, acetylene gas was combined with Iraqi liquefied petroleum gas at rates (10% - 50%). The reason for choosing these two components is the low cost and ease of access to it. Where the flashback limits (critical velocity gradient) were obtained from (40-485) 1/sec, while the blow-off limits were (265-2510) 1/sec with a diameter of 25 cm for the burning nozzle diameter only for Iraqi LPG without mixing acetylene. While in the case of mixing 10% acetylene, the flashback limits (critical velocity gradient) were from (30-520) 1/sec and the blow-off limits (440-3985) 1/sec for the same diameter of the muzzle of 25 cm. Whereas, when mixing 30% of the acetylene, the flashback limits (critical velocity gradient) were from (55-575) 1/sec and the blow-off limits (570 - 4050) 1/sec. From the above three cases, noticed a relative expansion of the flame stability map for the flashback boundaries, while at the blow-off limits the amplitude was clear and large, which indicates the confidence in mixing acetylene with Iraqi LPG and obtaining a larger flame stability map. Thus, it stimulates its use in industrial fields and gas turbine power stations.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jameel T. Al-Naffakh, Mohammed R. Al-Qassab, Barzan Tarish Neamah, Zaid Mohammed Hasan Al-Makhzoomi

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