Analytical and Numerical Analysis for Estimation Hydrocarbon in Place for Fauqi Oil Field


  • Dr. Jalal A. Al-Suadni University of Baghdad- College of Engineering-Petroleum Department



The Fauqi oil field is located about 50Km north-east Amara town in Iraq. This field has two producing reservoir units, the Asmari and the deeper Mishrif. Fauqi field is an anticline crossing the Iraqi-Iranian border and approximately 15 km long and 6 km wide.

The Fauqi anticline is most probably segmented by several faults due to its location on Zagrous mountains area. Since, it is not possible to get full knowledge on the extent, orientation and segmentation of the field.

         Production data used for the Material Balance analyses is comprised of a record, by well, of monthly cumulative oil production for the period 01 May 1979 – 01November 2007. The field was shut in due to the Iran-Iraq war between September 1980 and August 1998 and due to Gulf war between March to December 2003.

         Twelve major modules, with different degrees of analytical sophistication have been used to prove oil initially in place (STOIIP) for Fauqi oil field throughout analyzing single well production history of FQ-8A. The accuracy for the obtained results has been investigated which show an acceptable degree of reliability.

         Performing the twelve of different analytical and numerical calculation for the production history of Fauqi oil well Fq-8A, may assist to reduce the uncertainties in the reservoir calculation of the STOIIP especially in Asmari reservoir which show a considerable degree of uncertainty between the analytical (multiple column model) and the (full tank model) and also with the numerical calculation.




How to Cite

Al-Suadni, D. J. A. . Analytical and Numerical Analysis for Estimation Hydrocarbon in Place for Fauqi Oil Field. Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 2012, 3, 186-212.