Oil initially in place calculation by geologic and dynamic methods in Nahr Umar formation of Nasiriya oil field


  • Ahmed A. Suhail Petroleum Technology Department / University of Technology
  • Fadhil S. Kadhim Petroleum Technology Department / University of Technology
  • Mohammed H. Hafiz Basrah University for Oil and Gas / University Chancellor




Shaly sand, 3D Petrophysical modeling, oil in place calculation


Original oil in place is most critical stages of reservoir management, where the economic advantage of the reservoir is evaluated by estimation of the petrophysical properties and oil reserves. This work was carried out in five wells of Nasiriya oilfield, which is one of the Iraqi oil fields in the southern region. The aim of this study is to calculate oil in place from available data in Nahr Umar formation, having a complex lithology by two methods (static and simulation). It was found that the static model used for computing the petrophysical distribution oil in place was equal to (114  MM or 716 MM STB) and 117 MM  or 734 MM STB for the dynamic one




How to Cite

Suhail, A. A. .; Kadhim, F. S. .; Hafiz, M. H. . Oil Initially in Place Calculation by Geologic and Dynamic Methods in Nahr Umar Formation of Nasiriya Oil Field. Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 2020, 10, 1-20.