The Role of Strategic Planning in promoting six-sigma Technology A Reconnaissance Study in North Oil Company
This research aims to identify the role of strategic planning in strengthening the foundations of hexagonal diffraction technology in the North Oil Company / public company - Kirkuk as a field for research, and the role that strategic planning plays in supporting organizations by adopting the method of hexagonal diffraction technology to form a roadmap for the organization as well as Making decisions characterized by studying the future and keeping pace with it, and from this point of view, the exploratory framework for this research is centered on diagnosing the pillars of strategic planning and employing them in the company in the course of the research through optimal use and reliance on hexagonal diffraction technology and employing its dimensions to reach a solution to the research problem
The researcher adopted a plan by defining the research objectives and hypotheses and using statistical analysis and the descriptive method through the inductive approach from the specific to the general to achieve the results. (90) questionnaires were distributed to a sample of working individuals at several levels in the Ministry of Oil / North Oil Company, and (73) questionnaires were returned, subjected to analysis.
The research reached the most important conclusions and suggestions:
- Strategic planning helps the managers of organizations to understand what is going on around them in the surrounding environment as a result of analyzing the internal and external environments so that they can deal with the future in a beneficial manner
and make them more able to make correct decisions that lead to success and excellence.
- Both strategic planning and hexagonal diffraction technology in the investigated field have a positive, moral relationship with statistical significance at the macro and micro levels.
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