Smart Well Modelling for As Reservoir in AG Oil Field
Field development, PICD, AFCV, Tornado plot, Net Present Value.Abstract
Intelligent or smart completion wells vary from conventional wells. They have downhole flow control devices like Inflow Control Devices (ICD) and Interval Control Valves (ICV) to enhance reservoir management and control, optimizing hydrocarbon output and recovery. However, to explain their adoption and increase their economic return, a high level of justification is necessary.
Smart horizontal wells also necessitate optimizing the number of valves, nozzles, and compartment length. A three-dimensional geological model of the As reservoir in AG oil field was used to see the influence of these factors on cumulative oil production and NPV. After creating the dynamic model for the As reservoir using the program Petrel (2017.4), we improve the robustness of forecasting production from smart wells using reservoir simulation. High-level details in the rock and fluid flow properties are required in the horizontal well region to capture the flow dynamics accurately. Thus, the study offers an enhanced method for predicting the performance of intelligent or smart wells in reservoir modeling.
This model was history matched for a period of 20 years for three horizontal wells by using program Petrel (2017.4) and ECLIPS (2011). After successful validation of model on a field scale and well level, performance prediction was carried out to see the effect of (number of valves, number of nozzle and compartment length) using PICD/AFCV completion. Optimizing well performance entails lowering water-cut. From an economic viewpoint, the goal is to maximize NPV or profit, depending on the situation, from PICD wells, which compared to other wells.
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