Ecological Materials to Improve Iraqi Oil Well Cement Performance
Mudlog, fluid evaluation, light gas, Gas chromatograph.Abstract
Ecological materials are those that are used in projects and reduce the environmental impact of the project, help improve the quality of life for people who live and work in the facility, and reduce environmental pollutio+
n. Oil is of great importance on the economic level, as it is one of the basic resources in the economic wheel among the countries of the world. However, the use of this resource faces many challenges, as it is one of the depleted resources threatened with annihilation, not to mention the environmental problems resulting from the oil industry in its various stages. This research aims to diagnose the problem of Iraqi cement, where the problem of Iraqi cement lies in the fact that its silica content is low, about 18%, its strength is low, and its thickening time is short, in addition to its high softness, and it hardens quickly. The novelty in this research is the use of sider leaves, ground walnut shells, and silica dust as environmentally friendly additives, and demonstrating their effect on the properties of Iraqi cement. The tests were carried out on the aforementioned materials in their normal size and with a nanoparticle, as the results showed that each of the crushed walnut shells, silica dust and ground nut shells contributed to increasing the compressive strength of Iraqi cement, and the materials in their Nano size 100 nm were better than what they are in the normal size. The results showed that Nano-sized Sider paper reduced the density of the mortar because it contained saponin when 1.5% BWOC was added. One of the most important conclusions of the research is that adding Nano-silica dust at a rate of 1.5% BWOC increased the resistance strength of cement by about 3 times what it was without addition at a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius
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