A Review of Gas Pumps Fault Behavior and Measurement, Diagnosis and Identification Methods Including Virtual Sensors
gas pumps
Fault detection, Laboratory testing, Virtual sensors, Gas pumps, Fault modelingAbstract
Almost half of all electrical pump capacity consume in three-phase induction motors and most of them use in gas pumps and compressor in processes of industries for heating, cooling, pumping, conveyors, etc. The most important role of fault detection and detection (FDD) for manufacturing equipment is an effective indicator that can identify the faulty state of a process and then take appropriate action against future failures or adverse events. The impact of proper maintenance is reflected on an especially costly type of industrial machine. To avoid reducing the efficiency of the gas station, automated fault detection and diagnostics is very important and need to study. This article aims to establish a criterion for selecting which faults can be tested under laboratory conditions or by simulation with a virtual model and to determine the features that identify those faults. This efficiency identify of faults leads to saving of energy, service and operating costs. Virtual sensors applied to gas pumps to reduce the cost associated with FDD implementation are described. Finally, several areas of improvement for the aspects reviewed have been identified: increase the use of performance indicators for FDD, new and updated studies about the health status of field heat pumps, testing methods that take into account the gradual and probabilistic nature of heat pump faults and further research in the use of virtual sensors in FDD systems.
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