Optimizing Gas Lift for Improved Oil Recovery in a Middle East Field: A Genetic Algorithm Approach


  • Mohammed Ahmed Al-Janabi Ministry of Oil, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Haider A. Mahmood Iraqi Ministry of Oil, Iraq
  • Omar Faleh Al-Fatlawi Department of Petroleum Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Dhifaf Jaffar Sadeq Department of Petroleum Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
  • Yousif Al-Jumaah Basrah Oil Company, Iraq
  • Asaad Aboud Essa Basrah Oil Company, Iraq




Gas Lift, Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Artificial Lift, Water Cut.


This paper presents a study of the application of gas lift (GL) to improve oil production in a Middle East field. The field has been experiencing a rapid decline in production due to a drop in reservoir pressure. GL is a widely used artificial lift technique that can be used to increase oil production by reducing the hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. The study used a full field model to simulate the effects of GL on production. The model was run under different production scenarios, including different water cut and reservoir pressure values. The results showed that GL can significantly increase oil production under all scenarios. The study also found that most wells in the field will soon be closed due to high water cuts. However, the application of GL can keep these wells economically viable. The economic evaluation of the study showed that the optimum GL design is feasible and can significantly improve oil production. This suggests that GL is a promising technology for improving oil production in fields that are experiencing a decline in production. The study also provides a new approach to GL optimization using a genetic algorithm, which can be used to find the optimal GL design for a given field.



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How to Cite

Al-Janabi, M. A.; Mahmood, H. A.; Al-Fatlawi, O. F.; Sadeq, D. J.; Al-Jumaah, Y. M.; Essa, A. A. Optimizing Gas Lift for Improved Oil Recovery in a Middle East Field: A Genetic Algorithm Approach. Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 2024, 14, 52-74.