A New Integrated Technique for Saturation Height Function Modeling based on Modified EQR Method


  • Mohsen Saemi Faculty Member of Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), West Bldv, Azadi Sport Complex, Tehran, Iran
  • Amir abbas Askari Faculty Member of Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), West Bldv, Azadi Sport Complex, Tehran, Iran



الكلمات المفتاحية:

: Saturation Height Function, Equivalent Radius (EQR), normalized capillary pressure, dynamic behavior


Equivalent Radius (EQR) is a relatively new normalized capillary pressure method for modeling of the saturation height function. In this method petrophysical data such as well logs, special and routine core analysis have been used in an integrated manner.

The main purpose of this study is to investigate dynamic behavior of the fluid flow through porous media with a new integrated technique for saturation height function modeling. Amongst different methods, EQR method that originally developed by Engstrom in 1996 has been selected for further study. Although this method can model the initial water saturation with high accuracy but it only can be applicable for low permeability formations.  However, there is still an incomplete understanding its application for other rock units with higher degree of porosity and permeability.  For this purpose, we present a Modified EQR (MEQR) based on iterative curve fitting procedure.  To demonstrate the capabilities of MEQR method, one of the Iranian oil field data located in southwest of Iran with quite high degree of permeability in its porous sandstone layers has been used.

It is shown that this technique can accurately predict the initial water saturation in all rock types and in each cell of the reservoir with very good correlation coefficient achieved in comparison with interpreted saturation well logs.




كيفية الاقتباس

Saemi, M.; Askari, A. abbas. A New Integrated Technique for Saturation Height Function Modeling Based on Modified EQR Method. Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 2017, 7, 91-106.