Numerical Study of Oil-water Separation in Inline Axial Hydrocyclone
CFD, hydrocyclone, oil-water separation, turbulence model.Abstract
The fluid mixture hydrocyclone is an excellent tool for downhole oil/water separation (DOWS) for high water cut. In the present work the flow through inline axial inlet hydrocyclone is investigated computationally using ANSYS-FLUENT-19 software. The three dimensional continuity and momentum equations with SST k-omega turbulence model are used to simulate the strongly swirling, turbulent flow. Oil/water two phase mixture treated as the working fluid, water is considered as the primary phase and oil is the secondary phase. The considered oil volume fraction this work is 0.25 and flow split is 0.3 for three different flow rates of (14, 28, 56) m3/hr corresponding to Reynold's number range of (1.6 to 6.6)*104. The pressure and velocity fields were analyzed in the whole hydrocyclone with core recirculation. The results are helpful to predict the flow motion inside the cyclone to estimate the oil/water separation process. The present work indicates that the water purity at cyclone exit was 90%, while the obtained oil purity was 38%.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Karima E. Amori, Zainab H. Al-Ammar

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